Monday, February 26, 2007

Survivor: Bedroom Island

"I don't want to be kicked off the island!" I told Tim two nights ago. I repeated my sentiments again this morning when I was sure I had kept him awake all night rearranging pillows, adjusting Mr. Snoogle, and pulling sheets on and off me.

I've read in pregnancy magazines and in online articles that during the second trimester (which I'm almost done with), most MTBs find it more comfortable to sleep alone. They go to a recliner or sofa where they can sleep more upright. I understand that this is the sensible, fair way for both parties to get a good night's sleep, but ... well ... I don't want to leave Bedroom Island. I don't like to sleep alone. It will be cold, I'll probably have nightmares, someone might break into our apartment when I'm by myself, or the natives could get me! Now you see why I've been pleading with Tim, "Please, please, don't kick me off the island! I'll be good!"

Tim keeps telling me he would never kick me off the island, and he can deal with the constant moving. But, some mornings his eyes are a lil' pink, and I feel guilty because I'm sure I'm the cause. As I get rounder and surround myself with more and more pillows, I worry I'll wake up one morning and Tim will be buried alive. I know the day of my departure from Bedroom Island is impending; I can't but feel I'm fighting the inevitable. That leaves me with two options: I can wait for the Wanttogetsomeresti Tribe to become so irritated that I'm voted off the island, or, I can *gulp* leave immediately, voluntarily, and with my dignity intact. Dignity is here defined as "shuffling away, turning back multiple times with forlorn looks, and moaning until the chief of Wanttogetsomeresti feels compassion and begs me to stay."

I repeat: I don't want to be kicked off the island, so please, when you see Chief Wantogetsomeresti, offer him strong coffee, encouragement, and incense, so perhaps I won't have to pack my bags--er--pillows.


Gina said...

You won't feel alone when you sleep on the sofa -- you will have pillos and a baby to keep you company. I am still surprised that you are sleeping on the bed with Tim. It helps him sleep better when you're not there to wake him up.. he won't admit it, but it's true. You will sleep better as well, trust me.

lgmaakes said...

Well, it's only become a problem this past weekend, really. But I'm hoping it's just a phase. :)

Kimberly Adams said...

Sorry Liza, I must tell you that leaving Bedroom Island may become inevitable. I slept on the sleeper sofa several nights, but that was too much work so eventually I pulled the cushion off the pampasan chair and slept on the floor in the bedroom. Sometimes I actually slept in the chair too if I wanted to be upright! You'll do anything for sleep soon! :)

lgmaakes said...

Last night I slept on the couch. Tim felt so guilty that I think I'm back on the Island tonight-yeah! :)